Lisa in Guinea

This web log has been established to share pictures and information as Lisa departs for Guinea, Africa on a Peace Corps Assignment, January, 2006.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Girl's Conference a Success

Lisa has just returned to Dinguiraye after attending a very successful Girls Conference with a young girl that she had the privilege of sponsoring for this event. Here is a photo of the attendees. The Girls Conference is sponsored each year by Friends of Guinea. Training, education, and information is shared with the girls, usually ages 13-20, on topics that help to empower them to take better care of their health and welfare. “These conferences focus on creating gender awareness and serve to encourage the education of young girls in a country where girls only make up 7% of the secondary school population and where only 27% of women in Guinea are functionally literate (compared to 55% of men).” The girls are then encouraged and supported to bring the information back to their villages and share with others.