Lisa in Guinea

This web log has been established to share pictures and information as Lisa departs for Guinea, Africa on a Peace Corps Assignment, January, 2006.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Peace Corps Evacuation of Guinea Underway

According to an article from the Associated Press, Peace Corps has begun to evacuate volunteers from Guinea. We spoke briefly with Lisa and she confirmed that she would be evacuated sometime this weekend. The primary reason is because with the market closed, there is no way to get food.
Amy, a friend of Lisa's who is living in Siguiri, is already evacuated and relays an emotional account of the last few days in her blog.
We'll keep you all updated. -Nancy

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Strike continues in Guinea - Lisa is Fine

Just a note to let everyone know that we've heard from Lisa and she is doing fine. Other than the market being closed down as of yesterday, there are no signs of the strike impacting her in the town of Dinguiraye. We will keep you posted. For news of the strike, the best source (with links to other news sources) is the FOG Blog.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Slideshow of Lisa's Pictures from Guinea